After Facebook bought WhatsApp we are seeing many new features and updates to the app, the latest one on the line is including a payment feature. This feature just showed up to some beta users in India. If you are lucky enough you could get this feature to test out before rolling out to full scale users.
Although some people have mentioned that you could get this feature working by making an invite from a beta user who have got this payment working. All you need to do is ask your friend (ofcourse he should have payments feature working) to set-up payment and send you money. Make sure you have the latest version of WhatsApp on your smartphone.The sender will receive a pop-up message saying "To receive payment your contact needs to setup payments in WhatsApp by tapping "Settings > Payments". Thats it this will initiate the WhatsApp payments feature in your device.
WhatsApp payments is integrated with the UPI (Unified Payments Interface) program that includes most of the country's banks. This said payment feature is included in the attachment menu between Document and Gallery. The WhatsApp payment feature is said to roll out from India which means WhatsApp is trying to compete the likeliness of Google Tez, Paytm Payments and like wise payment apps in India.
There is no official words on when the feature will be rolled out to full scale users.
Users need to tap "Accept & Continue" on the WhatsApp Payment terms and conditions, Privacy policy and service provider terms and conditions, Privacy policies.
Once accepted, users need to enter their mobile number to which their bank account is linked. WhatsApp will send a SMS to verify. SMS charges may apply. After successful verification you have to set a UPI PIN. After that you can start sending and receiving money through WhatsApp.
Image: Multiple source.
Although some people have mentioned that you could get this feature working by making an invite from a beta user who have got this payment working. All you need to do is ask your friend (ofcourse he should have payments feature working) to set-up payment and send you money. Make sure you have the latest version of WhatsApp on your smartphone.The sender will receive a pop-up message saying "To receive payment your contact needs to setup payments in WhatsApp by tapping "Settings > Payments". Thats it this will initiate the WhatsApp payments feature in your device.
WhatsApp payments is integrated with the UPI (Unified Payments Interface) program that includes most of the country's banks. This said payment feature is included in the attachment menu between Document and Gallery. The WhatsApp payment feature is said to roll out from India which means WhatsApp is trying to compete the likeliness of Google Tez, Paytm Payments and like wise payment apps in India.
There is no official words on when the feature will be rolled out to full scale users.
How to setup WhatsApp payments ?
If you are that lucky user who got Payment feature from beta update go to your WhatsApp Settings > Payments to activate the WhatsApp payments.
Users need to tap "Accept & Continue" on the WhatsApp Payment terms and conditions, Privacy policy and service provider terms and conditions, Privacy policies.
Once accepted, users need to enter their mobile number to which their bank account is linked. WhatsApp will send a SMS to verify. SMS charges may apply. After successful verification you have to set a UPI PIN. After that you can start sending and receiving money through WhatsApp.
Image: Multiple source.
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