Everyone knows Vivo as a camera-centric device. With the launch of Vivo X20 Plus UD at the CES, the company got global attention. Vivo X20 Plus UD is the first phone to launch with an in-display fingerprint scanner. Now Vivo showcased Vivo Apex concept in the MWC 2018, with full-screen display and no bezels yet a front camera is tucked in. The screen to body ratio exceeds 98 percent.
The Apex phone is in perfect size and the device literally has no bezels surrounding and no notch is present like in the iPhone X. The ambient light sensor is located at the top and the proximity sensor is present under the display. You may ask where the front camera is. The front camera is present. To use it you need to open the camera app and then tap on the selfie cam option. Boom! A secret door opens from the top where your selfie camera pops out. The 8MP selfie camera rises from the top of the device in under 0.8 seconds. The camera retracts in when not in use or tapping the selfie button again.
Also, the fingerprint scanner is kept under the 6-inch display like in the Vivo X20 Plus UD. In the Vivo X20 Plus UD, you are supposed to touch the particular area of the display where the fingerprint sensor is placed. However, the Apex phone has a half screen fingerprint sensor. You’re not limited to a certain spot in the display. You can even use two fingers at the same time. The below half of the display acts as a fingerprint sensor.
The next most important thing other than the camera and fingerprint sensor is the Speakers. But there are no speakers present but the audio is produced by the OLED panels. The OLED display vibrates and produces audio for your Videos, Calls, and Games. Vivo calls this technology as "Sound Casting". We have already seen a similiar technique in the Xiaomi Mi Mix which is called "Piezo-Electric Actuator" where the device body vibrates to produce sound.
Vivo Apex Specifications:
- The device has a 6-inch display covering with 1.8mm bezels on three sides and 4.3mm on the bottom.
- The display has a resolution of 2160 X 1080.
- Dual camera at the back.
There is no specific date mentioned when or where you could buy this device.
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